Call Us 424-245-1779


How can we help you?

We commit to representing our clients with the utmost knowledge and professionalism that we have developed through our many years of experience.

The truth is that the Government makes interest on the funds that are just sitting there and they could care less whether the funds get claimed or not. If you would like for us to do a search let us know. You will be glad you did! 

How did you find me?

Whenever there’s an auction we get the results and it leads us to you. We meticulously review thousands of files every year searching for funds owed to individuals and companies. Upon discovering that funds are owed to someone we inform them of their rights.

How long is the process?

The process can take 2 - 4months from start to finish depending on how many files and how quick the government can process our claim. Many times we are able to process claims in a month's time.

What if there are liens or judgements?

Some of our clients thought that they would not be able to recover any excess funds since they had a 2nd mortgage or a line of credit larger than the balance. However, often this’ not the case. Many times we recover funds for our clients with other liens for many reasons.

Why the Government can't just mail me the money?

The law doesn’t require the Government to find a claimant and notify them of the funds. The law requires that a claim is filed to recover these funds along with the appropriate proofs that you are entitled to receive them. Our expertise on these claims allow us to help you with this process.

What happens if I don't claim the funds?

We fight for you right. Do not loose out, if you don’t proceed on recovering the funds on time they will be escheated to the state. There is no risk in signing with us as we NEVER ask you for money up front and only get compensated when we recover your funds.

What do I need to start the recovery process?

Simply sign the contingency agreement.

Option 1: We will email and forward you the contingency agreement for you to review and sign.

Option 2: We can schedule a notary to your preferred location and you can sign on the presence of a licensed notary. As soon as we do that we will start the process for recovery. 

What if the Government doesn’t release any funds?

These rarely happens, our experience in processing these type of claims Is our expertise. Since we work based on contingency, if there isn’t any funds to recover than you don't owe us anything.

How do I know this is not a scam?

We share this concern and as such we don’t charge anything upfront or ever ask you for money. Take a leap of faith we are here to help.

What should I do.. I'm concern to sign legal documents with a company I just heard of?

Feel free to thoroughly review our contingency agreement. 

Most of our documents are standard agreements prepared by the state in which your funds are being held. 

Our contingency agreement is very simple to the point where there is no confusion about how we work in helping you recover the funds. Any documents that you sign pertain only to your particular claim, and it doesn't give our firm any power to make decisions relating to anything else in your life. 

All document signings will be done in the presence of a licensed notary public local to your area if that is your preference. You are truly in great hands!

I need to talk to my husband/wife/other family members about this. Can I wait and think about it?

Of course you certainly can!

We recommend you speak with your family members the soonest possible. 

There is a very short time frame to collect your funds, and every day counts. If possible, we need to get started on your claim within a few days of making contact with you. 

We’ve seen claims fall short by a single day which resulted in the money being escheated to the State and we wouldn't want that to happen to you.